Team GeoTdF
The GeoTdF-team consists in geologists from all over the world. Get inspired...
"Professionally, I love the mountains. On the bike, it can’t be flat enough for me!"
"I am a very enthusiastic cyclist riding a mountain bike, cyclocross bike and road bike. Sadly I am a cyclist at heart born in the body of a basketball player, so long climbs are not my specialty."
"I biked the Vosges mountains as a teenager with friends every year just before the TdF. We once rode across a village butt-naked and got arrested by the police.”"
"There was a time I could ride my bike standing up, no hands. All my teeth are still there."
"After 7 years of working and riding in super-flat Bremen, I am happy to have started a new professional adventure in Münster. Not least because it allows me to ride over Cretaceous rocks and conquer some hills."
"I’m a sports enthusiast, especially those using water, either liquid (swimming, sailing) or solid (skiing, skating), although I dislike cycling in the rain."
"Waiting for a TdF stage that goes from sea level (Nice promenade de la Plage) to 2800 meters (Col de la Bonette) in 100 km."
"I prefer mountains over flat areas as they provide the slopes for my favorite hobby, skiing."
"I was a fan of the Tour de France before becoming a geologist: initiated by my grandfather from an early age, together waiting along the road for the tour peloton."
"Besides loving geology I am also an eager amateur archaeologist. I spend many weekends with my metal detector finding a lot of old metal things in the fields nearby where I live, mostly old horse shoes, seam etc. but also (when I have a lucky day) a few old coins."
"I grew up in Segovia, as Perico Delgado, with a window looking to the classical last mountain stage of La Vuelta, Puerto de Navacerrada."
"I dropped my chemistry in high school because I hated it, but now find myself to be a geochemist"
"Most geologists do climbing and love mountains. I love surf, kitesurf, and sailing. Does this make me a weird geologist?"
"I’m a Bostonian who has lived in Australia, Texas, and Montréal before transplanting to Europe. I'm also a first generation college/university student!"

Agus Helios/ Webdesigner & Indonesian Tour Operator /
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Agus Helios/ Webdesigner & Indonesian Tour Operator /
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"Amazing that old Dutch people can cycle very fast. I - as an Indonesian - like to cycle, but slowly"
"We do not own a car, so my family and I bike a lot - in all kinds of weather! There is an excellent network of bike lanes in our town, which makes it easier. For long distance and international travels I try to prioritize trains, though!"
"My wife’s family owns an apartment where I did my first geological fieldwork: in the Schistes Lustrés of the Western Alps."

Martine Barwegen/ Web content writer/editor and designer /
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Martine Barwegen/ Web content writer/editor and designer /
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"As I tend to forget names, I can't remember most names of the mountains I climbed by bike. But it always was fun!"